Friday, November 6, 2009

Ever broken or chipped a tooth? How?

YES. ridiculous ways:

Once eating a pretzel with large grains of salt. I bit down on the salt,and it actually chipped a small piece of enamel off of my front tooth.

Once I was so hungry and eating so fast that I didn't get the fork out of the way in time and still have a small chip in my front incisor.

Once I was eating a bagel and the bit down with a weak, already fractured back tooth. The bagel wasn't hard, but was chewy and therefore incompressible. So the tooth gave instead of the bagle.

So you really never know what can send you to the dentist.

Ever broken or chipped a tooth? How?
yeah twice... i bet a fork pretty hard thinking there was food on it lol. and i was at my friends house and this kid chris grabbed my legs out from under me and i hit my two front teeth on the cement.. it hurt.
Reply:Oh yeah, and it sucks. I've had 5 teeth pulled. My teeth are just fragile, runs in the family. Even though I brush alot. When I was pregnant with my son, I ate candy and chipped my back tooth.
Reply:JUST A COMMENT IN REFERENCE TO THIS QUESTION AND HOW EVERYONE CAN GET THEIR CHIPPED TEETH FIXED: If you have "chipped a front tooth," upper or lower, and it's not a really large piece missing, the dentist can file the edges down and most times remove the chipped area making it look just like it did prior to the accident. He may even adjust the tooth next to it to make them "even". I've had it done myself and mine was fairly large (kissed the concrete bike accident) and I've fixed other patients as well. It just depends on how severe the chip is and how much enamel this is to work with. You might want to ask your dentist about smoothing it down, since it's slightly more fragile with the chip there. Let's not all make a mad dash to the phone for an appointment, you can do this at your next cleaning appointment and there usually "won't be a charge" for it. But if you make an appointment for it to be done, there may be an office visit charge, I never charged a patient if they were there for some other procedure. You've waited this long, you can wait till next appointment. Good luck! Hope I've helped someone here today with this tid bit of information.
Reply:Ppl most often break or chip teeth while eating either with the food directly or with the eating utensil or the mug (bangs agaist the front teeth).

Also during brushing-the head of the toothbrush is hard and usually ppl use excessive force and can band it inot their teeth.

Trauma or contact sports is also another common method

Opening bottles with teeth is also a bad idea

Most common teeth are the front upper and lower teeth becuase of their position at the front of the mouth and because they are thinner than the other teeth

Reply:Both of my front teeth. Small little chips. One when I was in 2nd grade... playing on the bars spun around hit my face. lol

and the other when I was in 4th grade on a bottle of root beer. I was kidding around pretending to be drunk and hit the bottle on my tooth.
Reply:I chipped my tooth kissing someone!

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