I'm TERRIFIED of dentists so please bear with me, sorry it's so long!
I guess I'm wondering opinions of when I should schedule the wisdom tooth surgery for? I go in April 3rd(?) for the first part of the fillings, have to go in again, and I have a concert May 17%26amp;18 which I want to be completely healed for. I want to get it done before the concert, but was wondering when would be best? Do I need to take off class because of pain/swelling/medications? Does there need to be a gap between fillings and wisdom tooth surgery?
I have one wisdom tooth that needs to be broken while it's in my jaw and taken out in three parts, is this as bad as it sounds?
And both of my bottom wisdom teeth are somewhat near the nerve and I was warned I may (slim but may) loose feeling because of it, any ideas how much of a chance there is? Mainly the highest risk one is the same that needs broken
Sorry this is long, but I'm really nervous and don't know about healing time and meds...
Thanks ahead of time!
I have to have all 4 wisdom teeth pulled, and I have several questions. Also wondering about healing time?
Why not wait until summer break? Reschedule for June and save the worry.
Reply:heres my story. i got all 4 taken out on a thursday. the bottom 2 had already come through and the top two were about 1/2 way out so they had to cut the top a bit. by the way, i chose to be awake for the procedure. first the put some blue crap on my gums to numb them for some shots, then they put in a bunch of shots around my gums to numb the whole area so i was awake for the whole thing. i had NO SWELLING at all.pain was fairly minimal. besides that night , the only time it hurt was when i was eating and that lasted for about 4 or 5 days total.the first 2 days consisted of eating icecream and smoothies. then after that i upgraded to pasta and a week later i was able to eat most anything.if you want to be fine by the concert i would schedule it no more than 2 weeks beofre the concert as everybody reacts differenlty. i knew a girl that ended up looking like a chipmunk for a week afterwards. if you can stand it, opt to do it like me and not use anesthesia but if not then its fine. breaking the tooth wont really matter cause you wont be able to feel it. i dont know how much of a chance you have of losing feeling. obviously the doctors think its slim. but it needs to be done so hope for the best and expect the worst.
Reply:I would bring a calendar to your next visit to your dentist office and voice your concerns about schedule and timing. Especially about the need for the gap between fillings and wisdom tooth surgery.
Ok, onto the wisdom teeth. I had 4 removed in 1 visit. I was under general anesthesia, woke after the work was done, and had a friend drive me home - I slept the rest of the day. I had prescriptions for pain and infection plus instructions to drink much water. I only took the antibiotics and never took anything for the pain. There was no swelling either. During this time I was also attending class full-time and except for the first couple days I had no problem concentrating.
While all my wisdom teeth were whole unlike your one tooth that needs to be broken and removed, I still think the process of breaking and removing it to be pretty routine. This is a very old practice of breaking the teeth for removal - I would think they had solved issues.
As for the bottom wisdom teeth being near the nerve with the possible loss of feeling, that is a valid concern. I know it's asking for work, but why not get a second opinion? Of course, it means a possible delay but even so, you could still go forward with your current dentist while being armed with information - making you feel more comfortable.
I wish you the best of luck. I know I didn't answer some of the questions but I think people who need 3-4 wisdom teeth addressed are pretty rare.
Reply:I can understand your feelings about dentists, who the hell does like going to the dentist? But this really isn't a big deal as long as you take care of the empty sockets once the teeth are gone.
Depending on the route you take with the extraction ( novocaine or knock -you -out happy gas) you might not even know that it happened!! I recently had two of mine extracted and the worst part was the shots of novocaine. Once you are numb though, it's like that part of your mouth doesn't even exist.
You absolutely must take care of your wounds afterwards. No smoking, soft liquidy foods only, no drinking through a straw, no anything that requires a puckering or sucking action as you can stop it from clotting and you will end up with dry socket(s). Not something that you want to experience, very painfull. One of mine also had to be broken but I didn't even notice. Had he not told me, I wouldn't have even known.
As for healing time; if you take good care you should be completely healed in a couple of weeks max. I used only aleve for the pain and it worked just fine. The dentist is going to tell you all of this stuff but hopefully this response will ease your mind a little bit beforehand. Your mouth is going to feel so much more comfortable when its all over with, trust me!
Hope I was helpful!!
Reply:First, having an impacted wisdom tooth that is already diagnosed as a possible problem tooth with regard to injuring the jaw nerve when extracted, I would hope you are having an Oral Surgeon perform that extraction. As far as healing time, there is one hard fact regarding that, no matter it be one tooth or several, the healing time will be between five and six months..Now don't connect the healing time with pain and or discomfort. You should be free of even the slightest pain or discomfort within a day or two or a week at most and I'm referring to only a small level of discomfort. The following months however is when the sockets complete their healing and the gums and bone in those areas undergo changes in size and shape, which you will not feel happening. Until that takes place complete healing hasn't been achieved. As for discomfort during the extraction procedures, you should be pain free, especially if your given complete anesthesia. If not you will feel pressure being exerted as the teeth are removed but pain should not be a factor. Following the procedures your dental professional will no doubt put you on a round of antibiotics and give you an Rx for pain control. You should do very well. The quicker you get the work done the sooner you will heal.
Reply:I had 4 wisdom teeth pulled at like 8 in the morning and that night I was eating fried rice for dinner with no pain. 2 of my teeth were impacted and 2 were not, but I had an excellent oral surgeon. WHen I was done I was able to walk to the car, walk in the house and took a long nap and had dinner the very same night. I had disloving sitches, also. Listen to your doctor and he/she is really good you will be fine
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