Friday, November 6, 2009

My granddaughter is 10 months old and hasnt cut her teeth yet, is this normal?

She has the appearance of an upper tooth, altho it hasnt broken the skin yet, she has had symptoms of teething since she was 3 or 4 months old..any suggestions?

My granddaughter is 10 months old and hasnt cut her teeth yet, is this normal?
buy her a infant toothbrush with some baby toothpaste.they have it in the baby section at wal mart for around $ daughter is 10 months and has 5 teeth now.she used the toothbrush to help cut a couple and they love the tootahpaste taste.
Reply:Only time. Don't worry about it. Especially if mom or dad cut teeth a little late.
Reply:Yes perfectly normal some babies don't cut their first teeth until after their 1st birthday and then there are the ones that get teeth at 4 months. But don't worry they'll be in soon.
Reply:Give her alot of chew toys. It's okay. MA baby I know is 3, and he still doesn't know how to talk!! It seems to me like her lungs are weaker. That's all right. I am a doctor, and had a couple of mothers coming in with even 1 year baby's without teeth!! They'll grow in. If you want you can even call your doctor for extra positivity!
Reply:My son sprouted just at 11 months. I heard somewhere that the longer it takes the teeth to come through the prettier the teeth will be. My son has beautiful teeth thank goodness. It all depends on the person so don't worry. If it goes over a year and a couple of months, then call your dentist. Good luck.
Reply:My daughter will be a year old next week and doesn't have any teeth yet. Her pediatrician said that it is perfectly normal and she is following my genetic pattern as far as teeth and not her fathers. I didn't get my first until I was 18 months. She also said that her teeth would probably be healthier since they have spent more time in the natural fluoride produced in the gums.
Reply:That sounds a little slow but they all develop at different patient, they'll come in soon enough and then she can bite you.........
Reply:Yes. My daughter didn't get her first tooth until she was 10 months either, and like yours, began teething symptoms at 4 months. Now it's 3 weeks later and her second has come in and two more are breaking the surface.

It's completely normal. In fact, her pediatrician said dentists like it when teeth come in later because they're less likely to get cavities.
Reply:Babies do things on their own timetables. To be honest, I don't even know how people can say what is normal or not for babies when they are so diverse. Teething can last for months without the actual teeth erupting until much later. Usually my rule of thumb is, if the doctor isn't concerned, then I don't have to be as concerned. I'm a mom so there is always some concern :-) So I'm sure your granddaughter is perfectly normal and those teeth will be here before you know it.
Reply:my daughter was 11 and 1/2 months before she got her teeth.
Reply:i dont think that is normal they should go see the dentist
Reply:my son got his at 12 mo. dr. said it was late but normal.
Reply:same concern i had with my daughter... few days before she turned 12 mos or 1 yr, her 2 front teeth finally came out!!! according to dentist, it is normal and nothing to worry if teeth shows up late.
Reply:My daughter had signs of teething as early as 4 months also, but she did not actually cut a tooth until she was 9 months old, don't worry, our ped said it is perfectly normal, all babies are different
Reply:sounds just like my nephew...his first 2 teeth just broke thru 2 days ago and he is 11 1/2 months old, he started teething at like 3-4 months as well...i have heard stories of babies not getting teeth untill after they have turned just hang on they will come!!
Reply:I didn't get my teeth till I was 18 months old...all children develop different things at different speeds.


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