No not at all. they do not need to break you jaw!!
Everyones case is different, some teeth will come out easily some are abit more complicated due to the position (ie if they are impacted or laying near your main dental nerve) or if they are badly broked down.
The majority of them take less then 10mins once they are numb. If the dentist feels it a more complicated case, they may refer you to a specialist or just book a much longer appointment and deal with it themself!
Do dentists/surgeons have to break your jaw when removing wisdom teeth?
No, no, and no.
Reply:heck no, where did you hear that?
Reply:haha - no - iv had mine done
Reply:of course not
Reply:No, only in extremely rare circumstances would this ever be necessary.
Reply:OMG..never...but it sure feels like it afterwards...
Reply:Each case is different.
It is very uncommon for the jaw to be broken though, in most cases they will either pull the wisdom teeth or cut them out.
Mine were very difficult to get out, so my dentist cut them out. He never even mentioned breaking my jaw.
Reply:Usually not but some people have their wisdom teeth impacted and they have to break up the tooth to remove it. I can see that in extreme cases they may need to do something to the jaw to remove the teeth possibly.
Reply:They don't HAVE to break your jaw to take wisdom teeth out. I recently got my wisdom teeth out and they didn't break my jaw. However, I hear if some cases are really bad and the wisdom tooth is in an awkward position, irreperable damage may be left to a jaw/mouth.
Reply:not unless there are complications with the way that your wisdom teeth are growing i.e if they are growing forward or backwar instead of staight up.
Reply:no they dont. they just num ur mouth alot!! and then take them out and u are bandage up alound the face but when u get home then u will start to feel the pain but it will go away after a few day or so! my friend is getting hers done 2morrow hope this helps!
Reply:NO lol who told you that?
If its at the top of the mouth they simply numb it and pull it out.
If its at the bottom they usually have to operate and knock you out because it can be more tricky to get to and can be uncomfortable, but if that is the case they just put you to sleep and pull/cut it out.
Reply:No! They have to take your teeth out in pieces if your wisdom teeth are impacted though.
You will be asleep anyway so you won't feel a thing(until after!lol)
Actually, for most people, wisdom teeth removal is fairly uneventful unless you get dry socket or they get infected, but I think that is rare.
Reply:no no
Reply:Absolutely not, they can put you under sedation as the wisdom teeth is very difficult to remove , but not break your jaw. Shame you must be so scared:)
Reply:of course not! i just had mine out 2 weeks ago. good luck
Reply:I had all 4 of mine extracted at once,my jaw didn't have to be broken.I've never heard that.Good Luck!
Reply:No, But as you get older the roots can grow around the jawbone causing you to need oral surgery, instead of a normal extraction. I had mine removed when in the service, (all 4) the same day, and was put back on light duty the rest of the day. You'll be AOK, Ok?
Reply:No, go see a oral surgeon.
Reply:No, I just had mine removed yesterday and all they did was numb the area and pull them out. No pain during the procedure, but I did have soreness last night. I took a tylonel and was able to sleep just fine. This morning they are tender but not to bad I have had toothaches worse than this.
is someone trying to scare you - let me at them lol
Reply:no...feels like it tried to remove mine when i was 15 but ended up going to hospital and having them out under a general.Had to have all 4 removed at once
Reply:no!!! some times if they are impacted they cut them out but no jaw breaking
Reply:no, i had all my wisdom teeth removed, and one is impacted my dentist didn't break my jaw. all he did was numb the area and took it out. i didn't even take any pain medication afterwards. it didn't hurt at all.
Reply:No not at all. Wisdom teeth however are very complicated to remove and it's very easy for Dentists to break your jaw while removing them. Thats why they try everything else before recomending you to have them out.
Reply:NO!!! i had mine out the other day and my jaw wasnot broken. whatever person told you this is lying!!!
Reply:Hell no!! That's just CRAZY!!! Read up on the procedure.
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