Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Having 4 Wisdom Teeth Extracted Along with 5 other teeth...?

In a little less than two weeks, I am going to be having oral surgery to have all four of my wisdom teeth removed... one has already grown out of the gums, one is still in the gums, one is impacted and one is beginning to break through. Along with having my four wisdom teeth removed, I am having the tooth next to each of my wisdom teeth removed and a tooth three away from the wisdom tooth that has already grown out of the gums... I will be under IV sedation and will have stitches that dissolve. I am wondering what my recover time may be for having so many teeth removed at the same time. And, how easy will I have to take it on talking? I am planning to have four days of recovery after the surgery from work. I work in a juvenile detention center and at times I have to raise my voice... as well as occasionally having to talk a lot. During intakes, we have a lot of paperwork to go through with a juvenile. How quickly will I be able to raise my tone and talk for extended time?

Having 4 Wisdom Teeth Extracted Along with 5 other teeth...?
With having 4 to 9 teeth extracted, recovery time will take longer than 4 days. You will be quite sore, and not able to raise your voice.

Give yourself 6 to 7 days, even with pain medications. Then re-asses how you feel.

Good luck!
Reply:I had my wisdom teeth out about 1 month ago. Under sedation you will probably go home and rest for a couple hours after. You will be so drugged up you won't care how you feel. Most Dental Surgeons will prescribe a pain killer for you, so have a friend pick that up while you sleep. You should stay pain free for a couple days then it wears off.

Just wondering why they are removing those molars? Usually they don't take teeth out unless they are decayed beyond belief. Check into that. Good Luck
Reply:Sounds somewhat similar to what I had done, except mine was all 4 wisdom teeth, and only 1 additional, but, close enough, I also had IV sedation.... same as you will.

Pretty much, as soon as the wounds stop bleeding you'll be able to take the gauze out of your mouth and talk. For me, when I got home it had stopped bleeding, some have bleeding for longer, but if you do, you can also try applying a used teabag to the wound, and theres something in the tea that will help it heal.

Other than that, as long as you're on painkillers, you should be able to talk normally without any problems. The problems come when you're off painkillers, since youll have an extremely limited motion of your jaw, and it will hurt to move it. I would suggest trying to stretch it out as much as you can while the painkillers are working, since that will help with your range of motion. I noticed, that full range of motion in my jaw didnt come back for about a month (give or take a week), so that could limit how loud you can talk comfortably, but, it pretty much comes down to.... with painkillers (i was taking vicodin and ibuprofen) youll be fine, without, might be a month or so.

You can get very useful info related your query from http://www.dentalcareonline.info . The website has highly useful resources on detal care. Check it out! Happy Smiling!!
Reply:Recovery time takes about three weeks for everything to heal. In about 3 or 4 days you should be able to raise your voice just fine.

mens health

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