Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Do i need a deep cleaning to get fillings in my teeth?

i recently went to the dentist,first time in many years.i had a broken jaw many years ago and they put the plates on my teeth /wired shut and as a result of the plates i ended up needing filling where the plates were,but never got them.so now i went to the dentist for fillings and he said i needed a deep cleaning before i get fillings,is this true?i dont have the money right now for the deep cleaning and they say my insurance wont pay for a deep cleaning,and that i have to pay for it ,and i just dont have that kind of money,so do i really need a deep cleaning before i get a filling???

Do i need a deep cleaning to get fillings in my teeth?
the fillings will not be as good if your gums are not in the best shape possible particularly is they are close to the gum line. oozing and bleeding gums are a problem when trying to keep the tooth surfaces dry.

only skip the deep cleaning if you aren't worry about the longevity of the fillings
Reply:No. I went to the dentist for the first time in a while. He said I needed two fillings and did them. He then suggested that I get a deep cleaning, AFTER he was done with my fillings. I told him okay, since I have insurance and am going to do the deep cleaning. But if you don't have money for the deep cleaning, tell him Thank You but No and that you just want the fillings, if he still won't do it go to another Dentist.
Reply:It's not normally necessary but I'd have to examine you to understand what the problem is. Maybe your gums are bleeding quite a lot at the minute, and sometimes placement of a filling is impossible under these conditions. A deep cleaning would make your gums healthier and maybe the filling procedure will be easier. I might be wrong. I would ask my dentist, if I were you

acne scar

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