Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Do I have a broken rib?

A few weeks ago, I slipped on a metal railing and had it pushed into my rib under my bra's underwire on my right side. I didn't notice the pain at the time (OK I was at a bar drinking lol) but the next morning I noticed it hurt to breathe. Now, it's been about 3 or 4 weeks and it is still a bit painful if I laugh or cough or try to lift anything heavy. I have been taking Tylenol for my wisdom teeth and it makes the rib pain go away. Does it sound like I broke a rib? Honestly, I don't have health insurance so please spare me the "go see a doctor" answer. Still, I wake up in the middle of the night to find my self in pain because I rolled over on that side. Also, I have had to walk somewhat hunched over because I am afraid to stretch backward that it might pop out or something. The area itself never bruised or got swollen, but it is obviously something internally. So anyway-broken rib??? What can I do???

Do I have a broken rib?
It sounds like you bruised your ribs. I have done this before and it is as painful as if you broke them. They (doctor's) really can't do much for it. Take an anti-inflammatory for any swelling, Tylenol for pain. If the area is swollen - put some ice packs on it. Once the swelling goes down you can put a heating pad on it.


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