Thursday, March 11, 2010

Whats the worst of infected wisdom teeth?

All my wisdom teeth have been trying to come out since 2000, they are all still under the gum but mostly out however they have come out a bit rotten, anyway for the last year one is harassing me and is getting worst as it keeps on breaking (about 1/4 ofa tooth left plus root) and getting infected, at the moment im taking metroindzole cause im highly allergic to penacilin.

For this week again i have ongoing ear and headacke as well as my gum turning bright yellow but not hurting, whats the worst that can happen? what should i do? the dentists an hospitals keep cancelling me cause im sickle cell anemic. Whats the worst to happen other than waiting for the root to fall out thats if i dont attempt to pull it out myself???

Whats the worst of infected wisdom teeth?
What's the worst thing? Well dental infections (bacterial infection) can lead to blood poisoning (septicemia) and this can cause serious illness, organ failure or even death.

It's unlikely, but getting blood poisoning is no laughing matter.

Antibiotics are good, when they work. But when they don't work.....then what?

If your gum is yellow, then it shows it has pus in it (Immune reaction) so your gum is infected. Your gum is connected to your blood supply.

See a doctor immediately, better still, go to your local Accident %26amp; Emergency room (casualty) and show the Doctor there. They will treat you and not ignore you.

Until then, go to your chemist/dentist and buy a super powerful anti-bacterial mouth wash and continue to brush your teeth - even if it's very painful, you must do it.

The product is called: Corsodyl

Good luck.
Reply:omg girl why dont you get them removed?????????

If the dentist is being an idiot them MOVE to another one

The pain from an infected wisdom tooth is horrific, i cant believe you are putting up with this, i would put in a complaint!!!
Reply:you might want to look into getting a lawyer if the dentist and hospitals won't help you. if your tooth just keeps rotting it can spread infection into your gums and jaw bone. you need your infected tooth extracted. asap. it sounds like the tooth was impacted and then started rotting because it wasn't cleaned properly (which is sometimes difficult to do when your tooth is impacted). get that tooth out. soon! if it's hurting your head and ears that is a bad sign. get it out.
Reply:Get them removed, it's common for wisdom teeth to be removed under general anaesthetic if they are deformed or unhealthy.
Reply:OUCH, find a dentist that will do something for you. It'll only get worse and could potentially harm your health, you could end up with blood poisoning and die. GET THEM ALL OUT. I had my wisdom teeth out 4 yrs ago and have never had any probs since.

Good luck!
Reply:Wow, you need to be more authoritative with your dentist and caring with your teeth. You do not want to get gum disease and weak teeth. There is a sickle cell centre in Selhust, South london, England. They will be able to put you in touch with Dentist and doctors who will be able to help you. Good Luck
Reply:Some peoples mouths are not big enough for all their teeth, While you need to post Xrays of your teeth if you want a good answer to your question, in general when a dentist sees a wisdom tooth that is going to cause problems, the patient has 2 choices; Have it removed now, or wait 'til it causes problems. You need to see a dentist, if he does not get those teeth out, find another one.
Reply:Infected lower wisdom teeth are very dangerous. You can get something that's called Ludwig's Angina, basically you drown yourself in infection. Yuck
Reply:This tooth needs to be extracted.Its that straightforward.

Re Sickle cell anaemia,you must talk to a specialist first re this procedure and not allow a dentist to unwittingly extract a tooth unaware of your haemo situation.

I would email also.
Reply:i had 2 bottom wisdom tooths out a few yrs ago at the hospital, my dentist sent me up there,

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