Thursday, March 11, 2010

Piece of upper molar cracked and broke off, part tooth, part filling-how long can I safely go without seeing a

dentist and what is the difference/pros and cons of getting it filled versus getting a crown. Can I eat on the broken tooth?

Piece of upper molar cracked and broke off, part tooth, part filling-how long can I safely go without seeing a
Once a tooth has broken it is very likely to continue to fracture if not treated. By waiting you run the risk of having that tooth fracture off to the point that it can not be treated and needs to be extracted. The pros and cons of a filling vs. crown are dependent upon how much tooth structure is lost. A huge filling is much more susceptible to fracture whereas a crown will hold the remainder of the tooth together and prevent it from breaking further. However, if it is not a large filling then I always suggest the most conservative treatment possible which would be a filling. Good Luck!
Reply:It's hard to answer this because the dentist has to look at it and decide based on how much cracked and which molar, etc. You should make an appointment this week with your dentist for him/her to look at it. The dentist will tell you what your options are and what they recommend. It's probably a good idea to avoid chewing with that tooth so as to not break it further or have food get inside and cause an infection.

If you're in pain, ask for an appointment today. Meanwhile take Advil/Motrin (i.e. ibuprofen) and avoid eating near the tooth.

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