Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Abscessed tooth or wisdom teeth coming in?

I know my wisdom teeth are impacted, and I have a consultation booked in 2 months for removal. But for the past 3 or 4 days, the spot where the top right wisdom should be has been absolutely KILLING me! I take 4 Advil at a time, and it doesn't do much. It's inturrupting my sleep and I'm just in SEVERE pain. Today it feels a lot better, but I still have a little pain and a lot of pressure. Plus this morning when I woke up my gum area was really swollen and was leaking a little puss. Can this happen from an impacted wisdom tooth trying to break thru under my back molar, or is it an abscess?

Abscessed tooth or wisdom teeth coming in?
Maybe its an infection caused by a little food getting caught and becoming bacteria.Make sure you keep the area clean.. Gargeling with peroxide is good. Directions on bottle. Sometimes sucking on a 'clove' , the spice, can help deaden the pain. Can't you have your appointment moved up? Call your dentist in case they have cancellations. Another thing, they will not remove a tooth if you have an infection. They will have you take an antibiotic first till it clears up, then they will remove it. So call and maybe they will call an antibiotic in for you to your pharmacy or you can pick up the script from the dentist office.


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