Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ginuea pigs teeth, mine has broke one front tooth is this bad and what should i do about it,he still eat/drink

It's useless now love, flush it down the toilet.

Ginuea pigs teeth, mine has broke one front tooth is this bad and what should i do about it,he still eat/drink
call the vet and ask him about it.
Reply:If he/she is still eating OK then there's no need to panic. Their teeth grow continually so it may just regrow as it was but it might regrow crooked and not wear down properly. If the tooth or the opposite tooth gets too long then it might cause problems. If you're worried or your guinea pig stops eating or seems unwell then you should take him/her to your Vet as soon as you can.
Reply:Guinea pigs and other rodents have two front teeth that are in a constant growth stage. These teeth a primarily used for biting hard food and burrowing through tough surfaces to build their homes. Your rodent needs to have something hard to chew on at all times to keep these teeth "trimmed" to a usable length. The fact that your guinea pig's tooth has broken is nothing to be alarmed about, it will grow back in a few weeks. As long as there is no blood at the root base (meaning the tooth broke too short) and your rodent is eating and drinking fine, then you need not take your animal to the vet. Good luck and enjoy your pet.
Reply:Nice thing about guinea pigs (their true name is "Cavy") their teeth always grow. A guinea pig's teeth are "open rooted" and grow continuously.

So don't worry, just give your "Cavy" a nice wood limb and let him chew away. This tooth will grow back and the wood will help to even out the ends.

I am betting within the week he should have a nice grown back tooth.

Hope this helps!

nanny agency

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