Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How many teeth can a shark have in their lifetime?

Shark break and regrow teeth constantly, so wats the average of teeth in their lifetime?

How many teeth can a shark have in their lifetime?
I do now they replace their teeth every 6-8 weeks allowing the front row to drop out and a new row to come up behind. They typically have 2-4 rows of teeth showing at any one time. This means that the shark goes through thousands of teeth and hundreds of rows in a lifetime.

They must shed atleast 50,000 teeth then...if you're counting. Its one reason why prehistoric shark teeth are the most commonly found fossils.
Reply:Hopefully a lot of them, they seem to lose them in humans while swimming....
Reply:Depends how well an individual shark brushes its teeth.
Reply:There is no way to answer this for "a shark". There are many different species of shark and the answer would be different for each.

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