Ok..I think that I have weak teeth. It easily breaks infact two of my permanent molar have already dental filling. One of it is more than half filling. I brushed my teeth regularly, i drink water alot, i drink milk everyday but stillmy teeth are still weak.. What can I do?
My teeth are so weak..?
Take them to a health club and to teeth push ups.
Reply:Mouth wash.Thee is a spiceal kind out there that can help with that.I had the same problame not as bad as yours but ya.Also if it makes you feel better one of my teeth were brown and soft!It looked like someone put coffe on it.Really if was like like jelly!ewww.Anyway ya mouthwase and if if stills does not work just ask your dentist at the next vist.
Hoped i helped,
Reply:Some people are just born with poor teeth. You might try switching to a enamel building toothpaste. Get a consultation with your dentist and see what she recommends. You may have a vitamin deficiency.
Reply:ASK YOUR DENTIST you probly need invisalign
Reply:You want dental advice on Yahoo Answers....?
Go to the dentist for an exam and get a real answer.
Reply:lay off the acidic things like orange juice, oo grapefruit, or anything too acidic because it eats away at the enamel on your teeth, causing them to be weak. If you must drink these things, use a straw.
Reply:i would say to see your Dentist for the most help. He/she will tell you if you have a problem with your teeth. make sure your bushing your teeth 3 times a day. Heres a link to help you more.
Reply:teeth are genetic. If a parent has weak teeth,theres a chance you will too. Both of my parents had weak teeth,lucky me,I inherited them too,plus,I grind mine! Have gone thru 3 mouth gaurds already!
Talk to your dentist,they will be able to help you,and keep doing what youre doing.
good luck!
Reply:u need to is to go to the dentist and you need to have regularly brushing ur teat ok.
Reply:In some cases weakness of teeth is inherited or results of improper diets in growing age. Now U can protect them from further decoration.
Reply:you need more calcium vitamin D, minerals
because to protect the teeth against harm
you need to check it by the dentist
you need to use a mouth wash
a better toothpaste and toothbrush also.
mumog a water with salt
Reply:I'm with the people who say SEE A DENTIST. Don't rely on anyone here for an answer.
Reply:Some people have soft enamel in their teeth. Occasional fluoride treatments have shown to be helpful, however always remember that fluoride is a poison so don't ever swallow it.
Another thing you can do is get your dentist to seal your most vulnerable teeth with a hard plastic coating. They paint this stuff on and then cure it with an ultraviolet light.
Also avoid chewing really hard and tough food - chop things up fine before eating them, brush after every meal, get dental checkups at least every 6 months, floss between the teeth at each brushing, make sure you get enough calcium and vitamin C (some people have a problem absorbing calcium - this may be your problem - calcium from coral is more easily absorbed).
Good luck!
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