Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How much do fake teeth cost?

Monday at lunch I bit a carrot and broke my 2 big front teeth on top. They broke just inside the gum and they were black inside. I haven't been to a dentist since I was 9(I'm 14 now) but I thought I was takin good care of my teeth. Anyways, my mom took me to a dentist the next day and I had the broken parts pulled out. So now I need to get some fake teeth to put there cuz I have a huge hole in my smile. We don't have dental insurance so I need a cheaper fix if possible for now at least. I hate walkin around like this.

How much do fake teeth cost?
Ask your dentist, but at your age, I expect I'd do a "flipper" like many hockey players have. It would cost about $700 - maybe more and maybe less, but close to $700.
Reply:If you went to the dentist to have the teeth pulled out, he would probably be the one to talk to again. There are programs that will help your parents to get your teeth fixed.

Your school would probably be able to help also. The school nurse could probably recommend something for you also.
Reply:By a good dentist about a thousand.
Reply:They cost about a couple hundred dollars. Around 200-???
Reply:you would have to go to the dentist to know how much it could cost
Reply:I agree w/ Dr. Sam - a "flipper" is a good solution; this is basically a plastic doo-hickey, like a retainer that fits up against the roof of your mouth and has teeth on the end so that you look like teeth. it's not great for eating, but it beats having the spaces.

If it were my office and there was a kiddo w/ no access to insurance, I would probably do it super cheap - $2-300 would easily cover my lab costs... I'm sure Dr. Sam doesn't depend on flippers to make or break his car payments! lol....

However, after you've had them you'll realize they aren't that great; the next step is get a job and start savin' for soemthing better... a bridge in your situation would cost nearly $6000 and the BEST treatment is two implants, which should cost maybe $4000 EACH....

ALSO, get back to taht dentist! if you had two APPARENTLY healthy teeth that broke, I would guess you have decay ELSEwhere in your mouth, so get it checked out to get fillings if nec. and prevetn more breakage!
Reply:Listen to Dr Swanson he knows what he is talking about.

I work in a dental lab where they make "Flippers" which is just a fancy name for a 1 or 2 tooth partial denture and they cost about $100 to the dentist.

I am not sure but if you can have crowns or laminates put on your teeth that would be the best thing but you cant have them put on then implants is your other option and like the dr said they are a small fortune.
Reply:Go to this website, they can help!

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