Friday, October 23, 2009

Wisdom teeth pain abcess?

I have one wisdom tooth which has broken through, with no issues.

However I think another wisdom ttoth is now pushing but from memory a I think it may have been crooked.

I think I may have a abcess, a patch of my gum is all soft and squishy and very painful if I push it.

The whole area feels a bit tender and swollen.

Any ideas or suggestions? Its Sunday morning here and so I can't get to a Dentist til at least tomorrow

Wisdom teeth pain abcess?
Sometimes a partially erupted wisdom tooth can have a loose flap of gum around it. Food/debris can become lodged under this flap and get infected. This is called pericoronitis. The treatment is cleaning out the area , irrigating it with an antimicrobial solution and taking antibiotics. Call your dentist! Meanwhile irrigating with warm salt water might help. It is frequently suggested that 3rd molars that suffer from pericoronitis be extracted after the infection has subsided.
Reply:It will be tender and swollen from trying to push through the surface of your gum. It may not mean you have an abcess. The best thing for it is to rinse with warm salt water and use oral gel to numb the pain and take a couple ibprophen. All this will make it feel better. I have a wisdom tooth that "appears" from time to time and it feels the same, but it goes back under and there isnt a problem. Just keep it clean and use the sallt water.

family nanny

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