Sunday, October 11, 2009

My wisdon teeth are breaking through my gums...they don't hurt me but should i have them removed??

Talk to your dentist about this. He or she will take x-rays and determine whether or not they need to be removed. Some people's wisdom teeth grow through completely without any problems and keep them. Others may have them removed so they don't have to worry about any problems the wisdom teeth might cause in the future (and I'm referring to the wisdom teeth that grow through, not impacted).

It's going to be different for everyone. If your mouth has the room, and you're not having any problems, I don't see why you need them taken out. But definitely talk to your dentist about this. He or she would know best.

My wisdon teeth are breaking through my gums...they don't hurt me but should i have them removed??
Have your dentist do xrays to make sure they are coming in correctly so you dont end up with problems. Mine were tilted and had to be removed.
Reply:What does your dentist say? He/she is the only one who knows for sure. You need an X-Ray of your jaws and then the dentist will assess whether the teeth are 'impacted' or causing a problem in some other way. As a result of evolution we have smaller jaws and there is sometimes in some people less room for these teeth to come through properly and they kind of get stuck in the jaw. This causes pain and can, in certain circumstances, cause infection and may result in an abscess. Removing them is only necessary if they are causing a problem. the 'teething ' pain you describe may just be a result of them breaking through the gums and should ease and settle once through. Try paracetamol 2 tabs 4x a day (no more than 8 in 24 hours), ibuprofen (a non-steroidal anti inflammatory) 200 - 400 mg three times a day. Freeze something small that's solid and can be chewed on like a baby's teething ring and bite on it when the pain is bad. oil of cloves or bongela is also useful. Most of all, I would visit the dentist!
Reply:yes because if you have had braces your wisdom teeth could push your back teeth that is only if your teeth are impacted if they are GET A X-RAY so the dentist can operate before your teeth are out of line
Reply:I wouldn't. They come in handy when you loose some of your other teeth.

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